Tuesday, September 26, 2017

CST 338 Week 4

CST 338 Week 4

One example of polymorphism would be video game system. The GameSystem would be the super class with it being divided into two subclasses of home system and portable system. The home system could then have a sub class under it for each specific game system, ie Playstation 4, etc. The home system would inherit all of the methods of the GameSystem class.

An abstract class is a class that contains 1 or more abstract methods. An abstract method is a method that is declared but not implemented. This allows the abstract class to be extended to a subclass which implements the abstract classes methods. By doing this, the non abstract methods can be inherited by the sub class.
An interface is a type that consists of only abstract methods. An interface contains no variables, it only contains method headings that describe each method. A class that implements an interface must also implement all of the interface methods. Since all interface methods are abstract, none of them can be inherited by a class. 

This week was a challenging week as I was out of town at a video game conference from Wednesday through Saturday with little time for school. I was able to do my readings at the conference but could not start programming until Saturday. Just like before there was a lot to digest. I found the problem to be challenging to figure out how to convert the barcode into ascii. Once it was figured out the program became a bit easier to understand. I did a lot of the programming and debugging for our group. I hope to get more practice with polymorphism, abstract classes, and interfaces as I feel I will be utilizing them extensively in my career.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

CST 338 Week 3

CST 338 Week 3

This week was very challenging as there was a lot of work and reading involved in figuring out this project.

The largest multi dimensional array that I have used is a 2d array. I think anything above a 4d array would be unwieldly as our minds are barely able to think past 3 dimensions as this is how we perceive our world. I could be wrong though as I am sure with practice this gets easier. Inheritance allows a class to use the methods from another class. This allows for you to not have to recode if a class exists that you can use in your own class. I have used inheritance before in my data structures class.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

CST 338 Week 2

CST 338 Week 2

I have worked with Assembly Language for x86 processors. I found the work to be tedious but it was good to understand the nuts and bolts per say of programming. Object oriented programming is most of the programming I have done outside of the classroom. I haven't had a chance to do too much out of class as my current career is in banking and not software development. I have had experience with UML diagrams; however that was many years ago.

This week was a complete swing in the amount of reading compared to last week. It was good that I was familiar with the concepts because if this were totally new to me this week would have been a struggle with the amount of content covered. We covered flow control, classes, and arrays. I found the slot machine assignment to be an acceptable challenge. I was in a new group and it took us a while to figure out each others schedules to work together. We each have different schedules and this made it challenging to work at the same time. We were able to complete our assignment on time and 100%.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

CST 338 Week 1

CST 338 Week 1

For this class we will be using the IDE Eclipse. I have worked with Eclipse a bunch and am quite comfortable with its interface. At this point I am proficient in Java, SQL, html, php and Python. It has been a long time since I have worked on C++ and would like to gain more experience with it. I am currently re-reading a book that deals with data structures in C++ to reacquaint myself with the language. At this point my dream job would be to work as a game developer or systems developer in the gaming industry. I enjoy making people smile and games and would feel right at home working in the industry. I understand it is a tough industry to get into and am also interested banking application development, cloud based solutions, and artificial intelligence; granted I know very little on the latter subject as of right now.

This week we discussed the basics of Java, the String class methods, and console input/ output. Having worked extensively with Java this was all just a refresher and I found this week to be a light workload.