Tuesday, March 27, 2018

CST 438 Week 4

CST 438 Week 4

This week we learned about the importance of gathering and documenting requirements during the development cycle. We learned to use class responsibility collaboration as a design tool for creating class diagrams. We were also able to learn and create UML diagrams for our project. The UML diagrams utilized were use case, class, sequence, and deployment diagrams. All of these diagrams are useful in creating a blueprint for how to code and design your project.

I mainly worked on the design class and deployment diagrams:

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

CST 438 Week 3

CST 438 Week 3

This week we learned about the differences of white box and black box testing. White box testing takes into account the internal mechanism of a system. Black box testing has no visibility to the code and the test cases are written based on input and output functionality. Although black box testing is not controlled, meaning it only finds symptoms of problems, it is still necessary to find different types of faults that white box testing may miss.

During the assignment, I had trouble with question #10 which asked to develop test cases for different scenarios. I felt the text did not provide adequate instruction for me to efficiently figure out this last problem. I hope to get good feedback from the professor as to how to go about this problem.

This week we were able to get a simple hello world program written in the language and framework we will be using for our group project. Our next step is to build a database to utilize for the movie house website that we will be developing for.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

CST 438 Week 2

CST 438 Week 2

This week we learned about how to effectively utilize github for project management. It was explored how to properly use branches for version control. We were also introduced to using Pivotal Tracker as an effective project management tool.

We met for the first time as a group and I liked how quickly we were able to come to an agreement for our project. We decided to build a movie ticketing system for a local movie house. We created our git repository, slack site for communication, and pivotal tracker page for project management. We decided to hold our sprint planning on Sundays at 6pm and scrum meetings on Thursdays at 7pm. I am looking forward to seeing the outcome of this project.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

CST 438 Week 1

CST 438 Week 1

This week proved to be extremely challenging. We were tasked to create a hangman game and implement on AWS. I have never used AWS before or a framework and I could not figure out how to get the code implemented in a framework in AWS. I was able to get a working code on my own computer using a local server but could not figure out how to get the framework on AWS. My hope is that I can learn from someone on how to get a working framework up on AWS. It seems that a problem for me is that I am on a Windows system and everything I looked up was from a reference of using a Linux terminal.

This week we also learned about the differences in development approaches for large scale projects. These can include the agile and waterfall approach.