In CST 205, I learned the syntax of programming in Jython. I also learned how to manipulate images, sound and strings in code. Each week sharpened my programming skills and helped me learn key computer science concepts. I was able to strengthen my problem solving skills as several of the labs tested this.
This class definitely relates to my future career. I was able to make two simple text based games and the ability to problem solving for this is essential to my future career. I hope to enter the video game industry as a game developer so this was right up my alley. Videogames are full of images, text, and sounds so I believe that this course has allowed me to scratch the surface of the skills necessary in the industry.
I would advise future students to stick with JES 4.3. I originally started with 5.0 but felt it was too buggy and ended up extending the length of time to work on a project. Until 5.0 is fixed I would recommend all students stick with JES 4.3. Also, keeping and sticking to a calender is essential to turning in work on time and not getting behind. Students should commit at least 14 hours a week to this class. I did get behind a bit during the last week as it was during the holidays and ended up posting this a day late. My recommendation is for the first 6 weeks to keep to your schedule or you will be behind all course long. A suggestion for the course would be to have more tutorial or better in depth instruction on implement Python with html. I had never coded in html and it took me a long time to figure out how to get a variable written in python implemented in html.
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