CST 363 Week 4
This week we delved deeper into the design process of database building. I learned about the process of looking for entities is very similar to the process of looking for objects in standard programming. You must look for the nouns that could be entities in the data model. I learned about the difference in weak vs strong entities, how the representation of a weak entity differs from that of a strong entity. The various types of keys where explored and when it is necessary to use them. The concept of referential integrity was learned about when implementing foreign keys in a design.
We then learned about how to create an E-R diagram in MySQL Workbench and how to forward engineer it into a functional .sql script. Conversely, I learned how to reverse engineer a . sql script into an E-R diagram. Through the building of E-R diagrams, I also learned about the implementation of subtypes in database design.
The next step in the design process is the normalize the tables. Without normalization, the tables can experience modification problems. It was also discussed the after normalization comes denormalization as sometimes the process of normalizing can go to far and negatively affect the design of the database.