Tuesday, January 24, 2017

CST 363 Week 3

CST 363 Week 3

This week I learned more SQL statements and how they relate to other coding functions. I learned about SQL grouping, outer join and sub-selects operations.  I was able to comprehend how a SQL select statement is similar to a loop through an array. I also learned about the various aggregate functions SQL uses such as COUNT(), MIN(), MAX(), SUM(), and AVG(). I am now able to differentiate on when to use a cartesian product join or inner join, a left outer join, and a right outer join. I learned that a subquery is like the inner loop of a nested loop control structure in programming. It is important to know that a DBMS is better at optimizing join operations when compared to subquery operations.

I took my first exam for the course which I felt adequately tested my knowledge on what has been learned so far. Again, practice, practice, practice is how I will get better.

On a side note, I was accepted to volunteer at the Game Developer's Conference and start my path in gaining contacts in the game development industry. I am excited for the opportunity that this will afford me in gaining knowledge on how to better myself to enter this industry.

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