Tuesday, July 25, 2017

CST 361S Week 5

CST 361S Week 5

This week I was able to rebuild a desktop computer and configure the software for an individual who was visually impaired. So far I have put in 28.25 hours of service.

This week we discussed how professionals and institutions in the field of computer science have both been beneficial and detrimental to society. 

A video about the organization "Black Girls Code" was examined. This organization serves young African American girls in exposing them to the world of computer science, a field in which they are largely underrepresented. It was illuminating to learn that the percentage of computer science graduates  who were women was in the 35% range in the late 80's and has now fallen to around 18%. I feel this can be attributed to the newness of computer science in the 80's and then a stereotype of it being a male dominated field led to the decline to what it is now. The number is even less for African American women to be below 2%. I am glad that organizations like this exist to help diversify the field of computer science. 

I created a storyboard to be used for my final video project on my service learning experience. 

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