Tuesday, October 31, 2017

CST 373 Week 1 Scrapbook

CST 373 Week 1 Scrapbook

Article Summary

The title of the article for this week's scrapbook is "Video Games are Destroying the People who Make Them". I found this article in the New York Times opinion section. This article goes on in explaining how an undue amount of stress is being put on video game developers which contributes to lower health and pursuing other careers which may not be their passion. It goes on to explain that in order to make deadlines many game development companies will incorporate a crunch in which their developers can work up to 20 hours a day. This takes a huge toll on the employee's health. The author adds, "Brett Douville, a veteran game programmer, said he once worked for so long and for so hard that he found himself temporarily unable to step out of his car". The writer argues that this is unsustainable for the industry as many top programmers leave to other industries for this very reason.

Why it was Chosen

I chose this article because it has a direct correlation to my career of choice and passion. I hope to be able to enter the game industry after graduation, and I have heard of such stress associated with this industry. I hope to find a company that is aware of this issue in the industry and working to alleviate it within their own confines of work.

Ethical Implications

The social values at stake are that because the industry tends to put such a high demand on their employees this can lead to a breakdown in their families. The employees children may be impacted negatively as the stress can follow to the home and lack of care can lead children to act out. I believe that quality of life in the workplace is essential in maintaining quality family values. Happiness is infectious and we should all strive for happy employees to make society better. The ethical implications are that these companies are putting people's health at risk for the ability to put out a product sooner and make a little bit extra profit.

Credibility of Source

 The author of this article is an editor from a well know game industry publication called Kotaku. Being that this publication only deals with the video game industry, I trust the credibility of this article. The fact that the New York Times, a prestigious magazine publication, published this adds to the credibility.

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