Sunday, October 23, 2016

CST 300 Week 8

CST 300 Week 8

Part 1

Here are some review of fellow student's videos:

This video topic is well covered and the presentation is clear. The quality of the research is very good. The quality of the video is good for an amateur video. The video is engaging and interesting but there is no moving media in the video.There is evidence of team work as multiple speakers can be heard in the video. The video is appropriate for a professional audience.

This video topic is well covered and the presentation is clear. The quality of the research is very good. The quality of the video is very well put together. I liked the use of interjecting the speaker's videos throughout the presentation. The video is engaging and interesting with its subtle background music. There is evidence of teamwork through the videos produced by the team members. The video is appropriate for the general public.

This video topic is well covered and the presentation is clear. The quality of the research is extensive and good. The quality of the video is extremely professional. It is clear that there is talent behind the video. The video is extremely engaging and interesting through its use of embeded videos, music, and excellent flow. I do not see too much evidence of teamwork. The video is appropriate for a professional audience.

Part 2

This class has helped me to articulate my goals. I had an idea of what I wanted to do with my Computer Science degree. This course solidified my passion of getting into game development with the industry analysis paper. It also gave me a framework of what I need to be working on for the next 2 years. 
The course provided excellent lessons in how to effectively communicate with fellow group members on future projects. Our team was able to set weekly meetings every Sunday on Google Hangouts. We then colaborrated through email and Google Docs. To make our collaboration more effective, everyone should read the assignments before the scheduled meetings and make sure to make all meetings. When this is not done it can provide strain on the group.

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