CST 205 Week 2
We want to digitize media as a way of preserving it and ease of transferability. Digital data can in theory be copied over and over again without any loss of the original data. Digitization is the process of converting a information into binary code. Digitization occurs by discretization and quantization. Converting a series of digital integers to an approximate analog output is called DA conversion. Some drawbacks of digitization is that there is a loss in quality even if minute compared to the analog source. Also digitization is dependent on technology whereas analog media usually is much easier to produce and store without electricity.
Increasing an images sampling frequency will increase its resolution. Bit depth is the number of bits used for a pixel. A 1 bit image has 2¹ or 2 tones. An 8 bit image has 2⁸ or 256 tones. Dynamic range is the range of tonal difference between the lightest and darkest of the image.
Formulas for File Size
File Size = (height x width x bit depth x dpi²)/8
File Size = (pixel dimensions x bit depth)/8
1 Kilobyte (KB) = 1,024 bytes or 2¹ยบ
1 Megabyte (MB) = 1,024 KB
1 Gigabyte (GB) = 1,024 MB
1 Terabyte (TB) = 1,024 GB
File Types
TIFF- lossless or lossy, big files, used mostly as lossless, used mostly in digital cameras
PNG - lossless, looks for patters in the image to compress the file size; images with large areas of uniform colors, allows for partial transparency
GIF - uses 256 colors, if an image has more colors it compresses to 256 colors, finds patters of colors and creates an abreviations, ie. white, white, white would store as 3 white, for images with less than 256 colors
JPG - discards informationt that the eye is least likely to notice, stored as 24 bit color, most web photographs
RAW - lossless, 3 or 4 times smaller than TIFF, proprietary
BMP - old microsoft format
Python Learning
In Python, comments are made with the # symbol.
To define a function you use, def function_name():
To end the function you enter an empty line
An example of a stack diagram:
I found this week to be pretty straight forwad. I had fun learning about digital media and manipulation of image files. I can't wait to see what the next weeks bring.
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